
I am the Emperor

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Spedizione: in 4 giorni
Dettagli del prodotto

A secret hidden for centuries, places steeped in magic, a tormented love story, an occult sect. These are the ingredients of a novel where history and irony, archaeology and mystery are mixed to create an enthralling story. An captivating journey through space and time from the ancient Romans to the Crusaders in the Middle Ages, from the Byzantine Empire to the Medici's in the Renaissance, and on to the present day.

Tarsus (Turkey). A university professor finds in his excavations what many have searched for in vain. The tomb of Giuliano the Apostate, the Philosopher Emperor. But the tomb is empty and the archaeologist is found dead soon after the sensational discovery. Was the professor murdered? Who has stolen Giuliano's mortal remains? Where has the famous treasure buried with the Roman Emperor gone? This is the starting point of the adventure of Francesco Speri, a bank clerk with a passion for history, who, with the help of his beloved Chiara, investigates ancient sites and encrypted codes. The mystery thickens when a neo-pagan organisation does everything in its power to hinder the protagonist, who intends to continue at all costs the professor's research and find the Apostate...

E. 19


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