A professor of a prestigious high school in Piedmont plunges at night into an isolated beach in Liguria. In his hand he clutches an ancient Egyptian talisman. At dawn, two students, Giulia and Riccardo, see the lifeless body of their teacher emerge from the sea. A quiet school trip thus turns into a frantic search to discover the mystery hidden behind that death. With the help of their classmates, the boys venture through the streets of a city that is both fascinating and disturbing. Turin, the world capital of white magic and black magic. The protagonists, sucked into a vortex of enigmas, face an obscure path that leads them from the Book of the Dead to the Holy Shroud, from the Angelic Fountain to the Devil`s Door. An enthralling and profound thriller that crosses over into the occult, in an eager crescendo, until the final twist.
e. 19
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